Lifeguard on Duty
Extending a Lifeline to the Lost
A Modern Day Parable for how the Church exists to rescue the lost.
Lifeguard on Duty
Extending a Lifeline to the Lost
In His teaching, Jesus demonstrated time and again how beautifully parables reveal eternal truths about the kingdom of God.
Author, pioneer, and international evangelist Serhiy Kravchenko brings a modern parable about the twenty-first-century church. With both exhortation and encouragement, it is hard-hitting and motivating.
A talented young lifeguard, Nick, successfully advances up the career ladder in his home guard station. When a new boat appears at their jetty, he has a chance meeting with a real lifeguard boat crew led by Noland. This meeting forces him to question everything, even the validity of all he knows and did throughout his life. This chance meeting saves his own life, in a whole new way, and leads him on a greater journey to truly save lives and become a Rescuer!
An Excerpt from Lifeguard on Duty
When Simon Peter saw this, he fell at Jesus’ knees and said, “Go away from me, Lord; I am a sinful man!” For he and all his companions were astonished at the catch of fish they had taken, and so were James and John, the sons of Zebedee, Simon’s partners. Then Jesus said to Simon, “Don’t be afraid; from now on you will fish for people.” (Luke 5:8-10)
Imagine a person drowning in the middle of the sea. Gasping for air above the water, losing strength, sunburnt, and with only an empty horizon all around him, only a few fleeting seconds separate him from death. He needs a rescuer.
That person knows he needs someone’s strong hand to save him. However, someone drowning in their own sin doesn't know he or she is lost and dying! Sometimes he even loves his sin because of how blinded he is by darkness! How can he see unless light comes?
The Bible shows God is always wanting to save mankind from sin. Noah's ark once rescued people who turned to Him.
Now, Jesus has built His Church as He promised. Now, His followers are the new lifeguards on duty, and they train new lifeguards.
These rescuers live fully alert, disciples who react to SOS signals. They go into places of affliction, to people unaware they are lost and bound. Christians are God's hand to lift the drowning souls and set them free.
Jesus commissioned His Church as rescuers, as His ambassadors, to seek and save the lost. He commanded us to make disciples of every nation (Matt. 28:18–20). Why?
Because God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. (John 3:16)
Beloved friend, if you are a born-again believer, God’s same compassion toward the lost, broken, and drowning people in this world is in you. That compassion to save should drive you to become a genuine rescuer.
The Author
Serhiy Kravchenko has lived through European conflicts both before and after the fall of the USSR. Throughout the turmoil around him, God has saved many by his witness. While planting numerous churches and youth ministries in distressed areas, the author has led many to faith in Jesus Christ with miracles and joy.
In this book, he imparts to the reader his evangelistic spirit and gifts. Receive his fearlessness to rescue the lost.
Serhiy Kravchenko
©2023 by Serhiy Kravchenko